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- =======================================
- Programmed in Blitz 2 by Dave Boaz
- Main GFX and Animtion done in Dpaint by Stephan Boaz + some by Dave Boaz
- Designed by Stephen and Dave Boaz
- The sound came from the Sounds Terrific CD from Weird science
- Contents
- --------
- Requirements
- Installation
- The Game
- Commands
- Stuck
- E-mail
- Disclaimer
- Bugs
- This Game SHOULD run on any two meg amiga but this CAN NOT be
- Guaranteed
- It has been tested only on an A1200 as standard and with fast mem.
- I could easly do a 1 meg version.It was actually originally intended
- to be a 1 meg game, but when I moved it from HD to Floppy I discovered
- their was going to be too much disk swapping to be enjoyable.
- This Game is a Pal mode Game but does try to force NTSC into Pal mode,
- unfortunately I have not got a NTSC amiga to test it on.But it should
- work if you have an AGA amiga ,I was unsure if preAGA amigas could
- convert between modes so I don't allow them the chose.Sorry if this
- is wrong.
- Please see readme file.
- This is an Adventure parse game meaning the type that you have to
- type in all the things that you want to do!
- BUT don't be put off by that!
- There are lots of Animtions and sound effects to keep you excited
- And the display is made up of half picture and half text
- Right then the game starts by setting the seen with an animation
- of a plane crash.
- And you have to find a way home again ,simple.
- Remember if you like the game to Vote for it in Amiga Formats
- READERS GAME section
- This game has the same type of commands as any other Adventure game
- so if you have played lots before you'll think it easy.
- You know :
- Go - North,south,east,west
- Climb - Up,down
- Examine - "what ever"
- Take - "what ever" -(pick up in other words)
- drop -
- use - "what ever" "on" "what ever"
- wear - "what ever"
- get the idea.
- remember to type - QUIT - to end the game
- Here's an example of some in use,
- Take axe
- Examine axe
- use axe on tree
- use axe on vines
- go south
- OK do you notice how each sentence starts with a Command word this is
- always the case.And remember the word - the - is not used either.
- There might be some Commands in the game that were not listed here!
- YES incredibly if you are stuck some where in the game and it's really
- frustrating you then you can send me (Dave Boaz) an e-mail asking for
- help.
- Careful though because I can't answer tectnical Questions as to
- why this program might not work on your machine because I only
- have my amiga 1200 to test on.
- Also if you ask for help with the game don't just say give me the
- full solution, because I wont think you are really interested in
- playing the game if you just want all the answers right away.And if
- you just say tell me the answer to this I will delete you e-mail you'll
- have to be interesting to get an answer.
- Send me an E-mail at <d.boaz@virgin.net>
- Actually I (Dave Boaz) am looking to get together with a real good
- Artist because my brother doesn't really seem to want to do any more
- You use this software at your own risk Bah ,Bah , BAh, BAh, BAH, BAH
- Hmmm . A bit strange not really a bug, but there's a problem with the
- title screen when the words scroll up the screen.They are supposed to
- be smooth but sometime they aren't it seems to vary how smooth they are,
- this should not happen but I can't stop it.And yes I have tried Forbid_
- Also there was a problem with the elephant animation BUT I think it is
- fixed.The reason I'm not absolutely sure is because it only happened
- twice though out my entire testing before I fixed the code and although
- I have been testing it a lot since it might just not have come up
- (being as it was so rare anyway)