Assassins - Ultimate CD Games Collection 4
Assassins 4 (1999)(Weird Science).iso
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Text File
114 lines
Programmed in Blitz 2 by Dave Boaz
Main GFX and Animtion done in Dpaint by Stephan Boaz + some by Dave Boaz
Designed by Stephen and Dave Boaz
The sound came from the Sounds Terrific CD from Weird science
The Game
This Game SHOULD run on any two meg amiga but this CAN NOT be
It has been tested only on an A1200 as standard and with fast mem.
I could easly do a 1 meg version.It was actually originally intended
to be a 1 meg game, but when I moved it from HD to Floppy I discovered
their was going to be too much disk swapping to be enjoyable.
This Game is a Pal mode Game but does try to force NTSC into Pal mode,
unfortunately I have not got a NTSC amiga to test it on.But it should
work if you have an AGA amiga ,I was unsure if preAGA amigas could
convert between modes so I don't allow them the chose.Sorry if this
is wrong.
Please see readme file.
This is an Adventure parse game meaning the type that you have to
type in all the things that you want to do!
BUT don't be put off by that!
There are lots of Animtions and sound effects to keep you excited
And the display is made up of half picture and half text
Right then the game starts by setting the seen with an animation
of a plane crash.
And you have to find a way home again ,simple.
Remember if you like the game to Vote for it in Amiga Formats
This game has the same type of commands as any other Adventure game
so if you have played lots before you'll think it easy.
You know :
Go - North,south,east,west
Climb - Up,down
Examine - "what ever"
Take - "what ever" -(pick up in other words)
drop -
use - "what ever" "on" "what ever"
wear - "what ever"
get the idea.
remember to type - QUIT - to end the game
Here's an example of some in use,
Take axe
Examine axe
use axe on tree
use axe on vines
go south
OK do you notice how each sentence starts with a Command word this is
always the case.And remember the word - the - is not used either.
There might be some Commands in the game that were not listed here!
YES incredibly if you are stuck some where in the game and it's really
frustrating you then you can send me (Dave Boaz) an e-mail asking for
Careful though because I can't answer tectnical Questions as to
why this program might not work on your machine because I only
have my amiga 1200 to test on.
Also if you ask for help with the game don't just say give me the
full solution, because I wont think you are really interested in
playing the game if you just want all the answers right away.And if
you just say tell me the answer to this I will delete you e-mail you'll
have to be interesting to get an answer.
Send me an E-mail at <d.boaz@virgin.net>
Actually I (Dave Boaz) am looking to get together with a real good
Artist because my brother doesn't really seem to want to do any more
You use this software at your own risk Bah ,Bah , BAh, BAh, BAH, BAH
Hmmm . A bit strange not really a bug, but there's a problem with the
title screen when the words scroll up the screen.They are supposed to
be smooth but sometime they aren't it seems to vary how smooth they are,
this should not happen but I can't stop it.And yes I have tried Forbid_
Also there was a problem with the elephant animation BUT I think it is
fixed.The reason I'm not absolutely sure is because it only happened
twice though out my entire testing before I fixed the code and although
I have been testing it a lot since it might just not have come up
(being as it was so rare anyway)